Brooke's Not Impressed

Brooke's Not Impressed: Dole Whips

Of course, Disney is known for world class attractions, theme parks, and shows but equally as amazing is the food at the theme parks. There is so much variety, from Indian food to barbecue to sushi to African cuisine to southern home cooking. If you want it, chances are the Disney parks have it, and have it good. 

There are certain food items in the parks that come and go, and then there are some that curiously reach cult status among Disney fans. You may be familiar with some- there’s the chimichanga in Disneyland, pulled pork mac and cheese in Disney World, mochi in Tokyo Disneyland, churros literally everywhere, schoolbread in Epcot, and the quintessential Disney food craze the Dole Whip.

The various stands that sell Dole Whips across the Disney parks always have lines of people waiting for their treat. What makes up this this groundbreaking dessert, you ask? Well it’s pineapple/vanilla soft serve mixed together with the most important ingredient- Disney magic. But seriously, that’s it. It’s pineapple soft serve. Well unless you get the Dole Whip Float in which case they add pineapple juice.

The waits are not ever too long because it moves fairly quickly, but there are always people there. It’s constant. The consistent waits are not the only evidence of the treats popularity. No, if you had never tried a Dole Whip surely you would not be unaware of its popularity because walk into any Disney gift shop and you will find Dole Whip t-shirts, plushes, kitchen items, and more. A Dole Whip stuffed animal? C’mon. A basic pineapple vanilla ice cream has been turned into a Disney craze and a merchandise cash cow. I mean, honestly on that note I’m kind of impressed. 

I remember when I first tried a Dole Whip. I heard all the hype and saw the lines, but I kept asking myself how good could a pineapple vanilla ice cream really be? I mean it sounds pretty basic. Could it really be as amazing as people say it is?

And then I tried it. That first cool bite hit my tongue and I knew … that I was exactly right. I am just going to say it and it’s time we all admit it; there is nothing special about the Dole Whip. It’s exactly how it sounds if not, eh, more vanilla if you will. Is it bad? No. Is it over rated? Absolutely. Let’s just say I wouldn’t wait in line for it. I definitely won’t buy a shirt with it on it ... I mean, unless it’s a really cool shirt. But all-in-all it’s a bit overhyped and I’m just not impressed.